Young@Heart's First Quarantine Video

Young@Heart is still singing…responsibly from our homes! We have managed to get 16 chorus members up and running Zoom on their smartphones and computers, and 7 other people are joining by phone who are heard but not seen. Using new technology wasn’t easy; the average age of our chorus members is 83 - older than the average age of those most susceptible to this virus.

Despite technical and logistical barriers, our chorus intends to keep connecting with each other to make music - even though it might look a little different than what we’re used to. Here's an inside look at our first attempt at a Zoom rehearsal video, Buffalo Springfield’s "For What it’s Worth," with lead singer Robin Wolf.

Robin is joined by 14 Young@Heart singers that you see, 7 more that you don’t see, 4 tech/band members, and our director Bob Cilman. We're singing over the instrumental track recorded at one of our recent concerts.

The video was featured on CNN’s New Day on April 8th in a special segment entitled “The Good Stuff” by anchorman John Berman. Special thanks to John! Our video has received over 200,000 views on our Facebook and YouTube pages.

Special thanks to Dan Richardson and John Laprade for all their gracious assistance in getting our singers up and running in our virtual rehearsals!

Due to the pandemic, we had to cancel our May benefit concert that usually raises $50,000 to support our rehearsals, tours, PrisonVision program, and our staff. If you want to help, you can make a donation or recurring donation here. But, we understand if you have other priorities right now.