WGBY Airs Piece on our PrisonVision Program

Phillip Ragland performs onstage while Bob Cilman and Young@Heart look on.

On January 9th, WGBY’s Connecting Point aired their special “Finding Common Ground Through Music”, an in-depth look at our ongoing collaborations with formerly incarcerated singers, as part of our PrisonVision Program. In this piece, rapper Phillip Ragland and singer/guitarist Dakota Fogg are featured, both of whom performed with Young@Heart and eight members of the Springfield Symphony Orchestra at our sold-out “Young@Heart Goes Classical” concert at the Academy of Music Theatre in Northampton, Mass on November 16, 2019.

WGBY writes: “The elderly and the formerly incarcerated — those two groups don't immediately have an obvious connection. But, the two groups have more in common than one might think. Like the elderly, the formerly incarcerated often find themselves pushed to the background of society. Northampton-based Young@Heart Chorus is made up of people 75 years or older who have a passion for music.”